Eclipse Season can be unpredictable and chaotic, eclipses bring major changes in our lives. There are occur from 4 to 6 Eclipses each year and , eclipses are shaking things up , bring great changes and shifts in our lives and help letting go what is no longer serve us but it's necessary for growth and progress.
How many eclipses are there in 2024 :
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse March 25, 2024, at 07:13 AM, at 05° Libra 13′
Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024, at 18:18 PM, at 19° Aries 22′
Partial Lunar Eclipse Sep 18, 2024, at 02:45 PM, at 25° Pisces 47′
Annual Solar Eclipse October 2, 2024, at 18:46 PM, at 10° Libra 02′
“Sometimes, I think as the Moon and the Sun as lover, who rarely meet , always chase . And almost always miss one another. But once in a while, they do catch up , and they kiss and the world stares in awe of their eclipses.”